Video conference service for online education
Easy-to-use online platform for videoconferences, webinars, online lectures with rich educational functional
Virtual classes
interactive whiteboard for collective work
Enhances analytics
High-quality presentations, screen-sharing
Virtual classes
Attract attention
Rise your hand
Interactive pols
Create virtual classes with preloaded presentations, interactive whiteboard ready for collective work, screen sharing functionality, user pols, enhanced moderation tools and engagement analytics. Benefit from simple one-click access for students, crystal sound audio and high quality video to enhance engagement in your online classes.
Use high quality video-camera tool to attract and control attention of your students. Interactive pols, voting, screen sharing< as well as crystal sound and high quality presentation will help you to manage attention as if you are in a real classroom.
Like in a real class your students can “rise hand” to attract attention, ask question and actively participate in your seminar.
Use interactive pols tool to activate students engagement and control knowledge, find out who agree or disagree with your statement.
File sharing and integrated chat
Records management
Moderation and analytics
Share all necessary docs with your student and colleagues with one click. Send instant messages in integrated chat to make your communication effective.
Record your lections and webinars, store and share records, use them to improve online education.
Use moderation tools to manage online seminar, share speakers rights with active students, mute microphone to avoid noise, control time. Use analytics tools to understand activity and engagement of your students.
Why Rendall Conf
On-premises version
White label solution
Full scale technical support of your online education process, including hosting of educational software
Rich VCS functionality, integration with corporate messenger, record storage and management

High-quality video and resolution 1080p

About us
15+ years

Of experience in technical support of educational and scientific projects, expertise in high-load cloud solutions. It security
Realized projects

Of our clients outline remarkable quality of audio and video

Outline outstanding technical support
Turn-key Webinar
What are the advantages of a turn-key webinar from our company:
Get a platform for your important online event like webinar, online exam or important meeting with all required resources reserved for you.
Benefit from our Full remote support of your important online events, including technical issues, participant moderation, streaming, recording management. Be sure your speakers will be online at right moment and your participants will enjoy perfect quality of presentation.

Coordinating speeches of several speakers
Moderating chat for viewers
Universities for online examination
Organizers of online conferences
Speakers who need support
System integrators
Educational establishments
Corporate clients for important meetings
Clients, who use turn-key Webinar:
Accompanying the online broadcast:
We quickly respond to unforeseen technical situations
Managing the presentation
We will create interactive for viewers: voting, polls, chat
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© Rendall Lab D.O.O.
Ferrarska ulica 14, 6000 Koper, Slovenia