Secure Software Development
Secure Messengers, Secure File
Storage and Exchange, Access Control, DLP systems , Encryption, Alarm Apps
Mobile App for iOS and Android
Desktop App for Windows,
Mac and Linux
Stack of Competences
GO, C/C++, Qt, Java, PHP, Ruby, Docker Swarm, JavaScript, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, MySQL, ClickHouse, Git, Subversion, Dart, React Native, ReactJS, Linux, XEN, Docker,
Flutter, Objective-C/Swift, Kotlin,

Architecture: Microservice
Language: Golang
Database: Mysql (you can switch to another SQL server, for example Postgres)
Connection Type: https, websocket
Calls: webRTC
Encryption of all data: AES256, RSA.
Channel Encryption: SSL / TLS 6.
Monitoring: grafana / influxdb

Integration with Active Directory user management system is provided
Development Language: C ++ / QT
The application uses QML to render the interface.
The QT library used for development allows you to develop one application at once on 3 platforms: Windows, MacOS and Linux.

There is a separate user management application when integrating with Active Directory.
Applications for iOS and Android are written in the "native" languages – Swift and Kotlin, respectively.

A universal mobile application development on Flutter / Dart. This technology is convenient in that it allows you to make one application that will work on two platforms at once: iOS and Andoid.

Application Security
Authentication. Mandatory user authentication when connecting to the server. The server uses its own user password hash and authentication protocol.

To prevent theft and spoofing of a session, each user session is one-time (sessions are protected by one-time keys). If the server detects a second connection with the same session, it disconnects both sessions and offers to log in again.

Multi-factor authentication. It is used both to confirm the identity of the user, and to authenticate the interlocutor.

Cryptography. End-to-end encryption technology based on AES, and SHA-512 algorithms. Not only the data transmission channel is encrypted, but also all transmitted information: text, voice, files.

The RSA algorithm is used to encrypt / decrypt group keys.

OTR. Off-the-Record Messaging. A cryptographic protocol that provides the ability to set additional password encryption for correspondence with a specific user

Integrity Monitoring of the transmitted information. The system controls the sending / receiving of all packets, reducing the possibility of MITM attacks on the system.

Research and Development
Secure Hardware
· Phones
· Laptops
· Thin Clients
We develope customised hardware solutions,
which meet your personal requirement on security
and functionality
Secure Collaborative Tools
· Secure Cloud Workplace
· Secure FileExchange
· Secure Collaborative Communication
We develop systems of secure collaborative work and communication according to your team needs
Rendall Platform
Rendall Labs proudly presents
Secure Communication Platform Rendall
Rendall Team
  • Secure cloud communication solution for Teams
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Rendall Business
  • Secure PaaS communication solutions for business
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Rendall Enterprise
  • Secure On-premices communication solution for Enterprise users
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· Deployment on Client server
· Anonymity
· End-2-end multilayer encryption
· No data, no keys on end user devices
· Multifactor authentification
· On-line centralised blocking of user sessions
· Fake accounts and blocking passwords in case of emergency
· Self-destructing messages and ephemeralty
· encrypted message and file exchange
· encrypted crystal clear voice encrypted calls
· encrypted group chats and conference calls
· encrypted personal file storage

Need soft development?
Rendall Lab
Koper, Ferrarska ulica 14,
6000 Koper – Capodistria