Secure Software Development
Secure Messengers, File Storage, and Exchange, Access Control, DLP systems, Encryption, Alarm Apps
Apps for
iOS and Android
Apps for Windows,
macOS and Linux
Stack of Competences
Go, C/C++, Qt, Java, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native, Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Dart, Flutter,
PostgreSQL, MySQL, ClickHouse, Git, Subversion,
Linux, Xen, Docker, Docker Swarm, QA

Backend: Java, Go, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, NodeJS, Python, C++, C#
Frontend: JavaScript, JQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native, Bootstrap
Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, ClickHouse, MongoDB
Virtualization: Xen, VMware, Hyper-V, Docker, Docker Swarm

Windows: C/C++, Qt, QML, C#
macOS: Swift, Objective-C, Flutter
Linux: C/C++, Qt, QML

iOS: Swift, Objective-C, Flutter
Android: Java, Kotlin, Dart, Flutter
Application Security

End-to-end encryption, AES, SHA, RSA, VPN, SSL
Multi-factor authentication
True anonymity
Research and Development
Secure Hardware
· Phones
· Laptops
· Thin Clients
We develop customized hardware solutions,
which meet the personal requirement on security
and functionality
Secure Collaborative Tools
· Secure Cloud Workplace
· Secure FileExchange
· Secure Collaborative Communication
We develop systems of secure collaborative work and communication according to your team needs
Rendall Platform
Rendall Lab proudly presents
Secure Communication Platform Rendall
Rendall Team
  • Secure cloud communication solution for Teams
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Rendall Business
  • Secure PaaS communication solutions for business
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Rendall Enterprise
  • Secure On-premises communication solution for Enterprise users
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· Deployment on Client-server
· Anonymity
· End-2-end multilayer encryption
· No data, no keys on end-user devices
· Multifactor authentification
· On-line centralized blocking of user sessions
· Fake accounts and blocking passwords in case of emergency
· Self-destructing messages and ephemerality
· Encrypted instant text messaging
· Encrypted file exchange
· Encrypted crystal clear voice calls
· Encrypted group chats and conference calls
· Encrypted personal file storage
· Encrypted notes

Need soft development?
Rendall Lab
Koper, Ferrarska ulica 14,
6000 Koper – Capodistria